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서브컨텐츠 전체영역


서브컨텐츠 영역

Guidelines for 2017 Fall Semester Dormitory Application

작성자 : 외국인지원팀(ISSS)
작성일 : 17-06-01 14:30 / 조회수 : 4,149
The ISSS (Division of International Students and Scholar Services) is now receiving 2017 Fall semester dormitory applications for international students for Sewha Hall and the I-HOUSE. Interested students should apply by the designated deadline.

1. Eligibility: Undergraduate international students who are enrolling at Kyung Hee University, Seoul campus in the 2017 Fall semester (Excluding graduate students and 2017 Fall semester freshman and transfer students)
* Dormitory applications for freshman and transfer students will be opened on July 3rd, 2017. Please refer to the Global Center website. (http://khglobal.khu.ac.kr)
Dormitory Information
  Dorm Student
council fee Fee
(1month) Pre-
payment Fee
4 months) Total Fees Maintenan-ce fee Sewha Hall 10,000 240,000 250,000 960,000 970,000 N/A I-HOUSE 1st floor N/A 300,000 300,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 refer to
[Note] 2~6 floor 350,000 350,000 1,400,000 1,400,000  
- Cleaning fee of dormitory : 50,000won (Residents in I-HOUSE I,II)
* Only one-time payment is required

2. Schedule
2017 Fall Semester / Period of Residency : 2017. 08. 24 – 12. 25
2017 Fall Semester / Period of Move in : 2017. 08. 24 – 08. 25
2017 Fall Semester / Period of Move out : 2017. 12. 26 – 12. 27

3. Application period: June 1st – June 16th, 2017    (Application are invalid after the deadline)

4. How to apply
- International Students must register their Korean bank account before applying 2017 Fall semester dormitory residents on Information System. Students can not register their account by themselves, they have to go ONE STOP SERVICE CENTER (1st floor, Chungwoonkwan) with their Alien Registration Card or Students Id and Korea Bank Account Book.
- (If you can understand Korean) Log on to the Kyung Hee University Information System and click the category ‘인터넷신청‘-‘연수신청’
And, search the title ‘2017학년도 2학기 외국인 기숙사 입사생 선발’
- Click ‘신청하기’ and fill in the application and then save.
- If you do not understand Korean or need any help, please come to ISSS and visit the person in charge of the dormitory.
5. Result announcement: July 26th, 2017
Period of Cancellation : 2017. 07. 26 – 2017. 08. 01
Please refer to the ISSS website at globalcenter.khu.ac.kr

6. Important Notes
- The full payment MUST be made with one transaction.
- Applications MUST be submitted within the deadline.
- Please check your cellphone number and email address in the Kyung Hee University Information System before you apply. (Applicants who can not be contacted will be automatically disqualified.)
- Selected students will receive further guidance via email.
- Students can not cancel the application after deadline of dormitory cancellation.

7. Contact : Division of International Students and Scholar Services
Kyung Hee University (Tel: 02-961-9286/9287)



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